Question: regarding the death of Amber Thurman, can a state entity be held liable or responsible for her death by passing laws that create the environment wherein doctors are not able to perform their duty? Or to that point, can doctors bring a legal case that the state is violating the medical imperative to do harm and save a life? I mean it’s general practice that if a doctor fails to aid in saving a life they are therefore liable and could lose their license to practice.

When I was certified as a first responder, aside from Good Samaritan laws, I was required to assist when in the presence of a life threatening situation and failure to do so would land me in jail. How is this any different?

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Typo correction: “the medical imperative to do no harm and save a life?”

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I k is it’s an easy slip to make BUT the former president is not the president as the newsletter says in discussing how close the golf club guy was to the FORMER president. He never deserved the title and certainly does not now

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I have an email that the conversation between Oprah and Kamala is Thursday at 5 PDT, not Wednesday

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Seeing a new NNN in my mailbox gives me an instant endorphin lift. No matter how disturbing the day / week’s content may be, I know that I’m about to read a reasoned account of events that will allow my mind to control emotion.

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